Pay Online
Please be sure to pay online so we can officially register you and post your gaming preferences! You can pay using PayPal using the buttons below, or you can pay via our online store as well.
The Full Expo Pass is $110, and a Three-Day Pass is $75. If you submit your Full Expo ($110) payment by April 30, 2025, you will receive your Expo shirt for FREE! Please note that the Full Expo price increases to $120 effective May 1, 2025. Note: Single-day passes will be available at the door (no advance purchase) for $30 per day.
The Full Expo is $110 (or $75 for the 3-Day Pass).
Please pay online below so we can officially register you and post your game sign-up preferences.
If you submit your Full Expo ($110) payment by April 30, 2024, you will receive your Expo shirt for FREE!
Submit payment to get your 3-Day Expo Pass ($75 Paypal)
If you don’t wish to use PayPal, you can submit payment by credit card at our online store, where major credit cards are accepted.
For information on sending payment by check, please contact us.
“For nearly 20 years, CSW Expo has been my favorite convention. This is the only con I go to where I can play a monster game during the days, casual Euro games in the evenings, and have a chance to check out other ongoing monster games in progress. Flea market offerings are varied and the additional events (seminars, morning updates and raffles, sales room, and auction) are great. But mostly - it’s the people!”